styrkir / Awards, grants:
2002 Fonden af 1. juli 1981, supporting the project breathing
2001 The Danish Contemporary Arts Foundation, supporting the project breathing
2000 The Jyllands-Posten Foundations apartment in Berlin, Germany
1999 Kulturministeriets Udviklingsfond (The Minestry of Culture) (for
the Dialogue Project)
1997 The Academy Councils Grant for Younger Artists Exhibitions
1991 The Academy Councils Grant for Younger Artists Exhibitions
félaga / Membership of professional organisation:
A co.- founder and a member of North-udstillingssted [North Exhibition
Space] (1996 - 2001)
Kingston Artists Assiciation Inc. (1997-1999)
BKF (the Danish association of visual artists)
/ others:
Has been living and working in Canada 1997 - 1998
curator 2001 CAMP, Lejre. An artists curated project involving
45 artists from 7 countries and 25 private households. Around 50 projects
and performances in private and public space in the village Lejre, Denmark.
Curated by Hanne Godtfeldt, Steinunn Helga Sigurdardóttir, John
Krogh, Mette Dalsgård, Morten Tillitz and Nanna Gro Henningsen.
CAMP,Lejre was supported by The Ministry of Cultures Development
Fund, The Danish Contemporary Arts Foundation (DCA), The Visual Arts Council,
The Academy Council, The Municipalety of Lejre and Roskilde County.
1997 -
2001 North-udstillingssted (North Exhibition Space). In a colaboration
between the
North-members: Around 50 exhibitions showing Danish and international
North-udstillingssted was supported by The Ministry of Cultures
Development Fund, The Municipality of Copenhagens Cultural Development
Fund and The Danish Comtemporary Arts Foundation (DCA).
publications CAMP,
Lejre. Informations Forlag, Denmark 2002. (Comming out in August).
Dialogprojekt. North-udstillingssted / Forlaget Basilisk, Denmark 2000.
ISBN 87-90491-44-00.
Cover art for Some Late Adventures of the Feelings a collection of poetry
by the Canadian writer Mark Sinnett. ECW Press, Canada 2000. ISBN 1-55022-410-7.
Dansk Kunst 1999. Forlaget Søren Fogtdal A/S, Denmark 1999. ISBN
87-7807-227-1. Insight / Inside Out. Modern Fuel Gallery, Canada, 1998
and Traneudstillingen, Denmark, 1999. ISBN 87-89186-05-2.